Building a Secure Authentication System with PHP OOP, PDO, MySQL, and Bootstrap 5
In web development, creating a secure, user-friendly authentication system is crucial. This post explores building a robust authentication mechanism using PHP OOP, PDO, MySQL, and Bootstrap 5. By applying Object-Oriented Programming for structure, PDO for SQL injection protection, and Bootstrap 5 for a sleek UI, functionality and aesthetics are seamlessly integrated.
By Sahil Kumar
Send Mail with Contact Form Using PHPMailer & Gmail SMTP | 2023
Effective communication in web development often involves email. Integrating email functionality into your applications can boost user engagement and streamline information sharing. This guide provides a concise overview of using PHPMailer with Gmail SMTP to effortlessly add email sending capabilities to your web projects.
By Sahil Kumar
NodeJS Vs Laravel | The Most Demanding Backend Framework
Choosing the right backend framework is crucial when creating web applications. Web frameworks play a key role in simplifying development, offering integrated features that streamline the process. These frameworks are essential tools that enhance efficiency and support many popular features commonly used in web development.
By Sahil Kumar
CRUD App Using CodeIgniter 4, Bootstrap 5, jQuery - Ajax
In this post, I'll demonstrate how to build a complete CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application with image upload using CodeIgniter 4, Bootstrap 5, jQuery-Ajax, and SweetAlert 2. This guide will cover everything from setting up the project to implementing the core features.
By Sahil Kumar
CRUD App Using Bootstrap 5, PHP-OOP, PDO-MySQL, Fetch API of ES6
In this post, we'll explore how to develop a CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application using Bootstrap 5, PHP with Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), PDO for MySQL, and the Fetch API from ES6 (ECMAScript). This approach leverages modern JavaScript techniques for a more efficient and streamlined development process.
By Sahil Kumar
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Building a Secure Authentication System with PHP OOP, PDO, MySQL, and Bootstrap 5
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10 Essential Web Design Principles for Creating a User-Friendly Website
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Send Mail with Contact Form Using PHPMailer & Gmail SMTP | 2023
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Full Stack Laravel 10 & React JS | SPA Authentication | Part 2
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Full Stack Laravel 10 & React JS | SPA Authentication | Part 1
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